A 아틀라스뉴스
14일 루이지애나 LNG 생산단지에서 “더이상 외국 에너지에 의존할 필요 없다”
세일가스 생산에 트럼프 “에너지 수퍼파워” 선언
2019. 05. 18 by 아틀라스


미국이 에너지 부문에서 수퍼파워가 되었음을 선포했다.

도널드 트럼프 대통령은 지난 14일 루이지애나주 핵베리(Hackberry)의 셈프라 에너지(Sempra Energy)LNG 생산시설을 방문해 에너지 수퍼파워’(energy superpower)라는 표현을 썼다.

트럼프는 공장 임직원들이 모인 자리에서 여기에 미국을 전 세계에서 에너지 수퍼파워로 만드신 분들이 계신다면서, “ 얼마 전에 우리는 (에너지 부문에서) 넘버 원이 되었다고 말했다. 트럼프는 이어 이곳 루이지애나 핵베리에서 우리는 깨끗한 천연가스를 전지구에 수출하게 되었다. 놀라운 기술력과 자부심으로, 7천명의 근로자들이 미국의 에너지 혁명을 리드했다고 자랑했다.

트럼프는 텍사스, 뉴멕시코, 콜로라도, 노스다코타, 오하이오, 펜실베이니아, 그리고 미국 모든 주에서 여러분들과 같은 근로자들이 가정에 불을 비추고, 공장에 동력을 공급하고, 에너지 비용을 절감하려고 노력하고 있다, “여러분들은 우리의 나라를 더 부유하게 했을뿐 아니라, 미국 에너지 독립의 미래를 건설했다고도 했다.

트럼프는 단언코 우리는 독립했다. 우리는 더 이상 다른 나라를 필요로 하지 않는다. 우리는 이상 다른 나라에 의해 좌지우지될 필요가 없어졌다. 그런 시대는 끝났다.”고 말했다.


14일 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 루이지애나 LNG 공장을 찾아 연설하고 있다. /트럼프 대통령 페이스북
14일 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 루이지애나 LNG 공장을 찾아 연설하고 있다. /트럼프 대통령 페이스북


트럼프의 이같은 발언은 셰일 가스 양산으로 더 이상 중동산유국으로부터 에너지를 수입하지 않고 독립하게 되었으며, 이제 셰알가스를 수출하게 되어 국제 에너지시장을 주도할수 있게 되었음을 강조한 것이다.

미국은 셰일오일 생산으로 지난해 세계 최대 원유 생산국이 되었고, 원유를 수출하는 나라로 탈바꿈했다. 미국에너지정보청(EIA: Energy Information Agency)에 따르면, 미국은 2020년에 에너지 순수출국으로 전환하게 된다. 수입량보다 수출량이 많아 지는 것이다.


트럼프는 셰일오일과 셰일가스 생산으로 이제 미국은 세계의 리더가 되었음을 선포했다. 그는 핵베리 연설에서 우리는 과거 한때 리더였지만, 이제 다시 리더가 되었다면서, “우리는 어느 나라도 할수 없었던 일을 해냈다고 말했다. 이어 그는 과거 우리는 외국의 기름, 외국의 에너지에 의존해왔다. 그러나 지금은 미국의 에너지와 미국의 근로자에 의존하게 되었다. 우리나라에서 생산되는 에너지가 외국 경쟁국의 것보다 우수하고, 싸고, 깨끗하다.”며 미국이 에너지 패권의 강자가 되었음을 자랑했다.


자료: 미국 에너지 정보청
자료: 미국 에너지 정보청


트럼프의 핵베리(루이지애나) 연설문 발췌


It’s great to be here with the incredible men and women who are making America into the energy superpower of the world. We’ve just gotten to number one not so long ago. A few months ago. This was not going to happen with somebody else in office, that I can tell you. (Applause.)

I was saying, things that took 25 years before they got disapproved. In other words, they’d work on them for 20, 25 years, and then they wouldn’t get approved. We’re getting them done in less than a year. (Applause.) And if they’re not good for the environment, they won’t get approved. They won’t get approved. But at least you’ll know, one way or the other. We’re getting them done quickly or we’re letting them know they don’t work. But we’re finding that most of them do. Most of them do.

And today, we celebrate the amazing workers at Sempra Energy as you open the Cameron LNG Export Facility for business. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. This is incredible. (Applause.) This is incredible.

And knowing the group very well that did it they have two more phases that they’re probably going to be starting pretty soon. I know I shouldn’t say that, Jeff, but that’s the way it is. (Laughter.)

From right here in Hackberry, Louisiana, you will very soon (applause) be exporting clean, American natural gas all over the globe. With the incredible grit, skill, and pride, the 7,000 workers at this facility are helping lead the American energy revolution. That’s what it is. Number one in the world. Not even close.

And, you know, I just approved a lot of pipelines going through Texas and other places, including, as you know, the Keystone XL pipeline I approved. (Applause.) The Dakota Access pipeline. These were lines that were worked on for a long time, and they never would have happened. We did them, I think, in my first week. And it’s great. It’s great. And it’s clean and it’s environmentally better than the alternatives. You know that.

In Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and states all across our land, workers like you are lighting up our homes, powering our factories, and reducing energy costs for hardworking American families. You are not only making our nation wealthier, but you are making America safer by building a future of American energy independence. We are independent. We don’t need anybody. We don’t need anybody. (Applause.)

And we don’t need to be ripped off by the rest of the world either, because those days are over. (Applause.) You know, I went around I used to especially in my previous life, I’d go around and I’d see these airports in different countries. The most incredible airports in the world. Then I’d come home; I’d land at LaGuardia. (Laughter.) Or I’d land at Kennedy or Newark, I’d land in LAX, and they are not the same.

We used to be the leader, but we’re going to be the leader again. And we have things designed right now that nobody would have ever believed. We will be the leader again, and it’s going to happen very quickly, and it’s already happening. And, by the way, this is a big factor, when you look right behind me. It’s really happening, because few people have anything like this, anywhere in the world. (Applause.)

And now, instead of relying on foreign oil and foreign energy, we are now relying on American energy and American workers like never before. And, you know, we work with other countries and we work with their energy, and we take their energy, and we buy it, we produce it but we don’t need to if we don’t have to, if we don’t want to. It just works out pretty well that way. But anytime we want, we can stop.

The energy we produce here in our country is better, cheaper, and cleaner than our foreign competitors, and it’s not even close. You people know that better than anybody; that’s your business.

We’re thrilled to be joined by many of the great leaders from Louisiana, a state I love very much. And based on the votes (laughter) I should love it very much. (Applause.) I should. And I do love it. And I love the people. I love the people of Louisiana. Very special people.


I especially want to thank Sempra Energy’s Chairman and CEO, Jeff Martin. Jeff, that was great, what you said and what you’ve done. (Applause.) Thank you for the tour. Your company President, Justin Bird, and your Chief Operating Officer, Lisa Glatch. That was a great tour. Thank you, Lisa. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Great tour.

It was not long ago that Sempra planned to build a natural gas import terminal on this very spot. That was in the past,

when our leaders pursued policies that were anti-American energy and anti-American worker and anti-America wealth. It all ended. But those days are over. Now we have an America First energy policy, just like we have an America First policy. It’s music to people’s ears. (Applause.)

So we believe in unlocking our nation’s resources, empowering our country’s workers, and bringing back our wealth. Because our wealth was taken, our jobs were taken, our plants were closed. And then they’d come back, build a product, and sell it into our country for no tax, no nothing. So we lose the jobs, we lose the taxes, we lose the wealth, and another country builds the products and they send it in, no tax. Well, that’s changing. You saw that. That’s changing rapidly. That’s changing rapidly. (Applause.)

I always said I always said maybe that’s our biggest group. We have so many supporters. On that beautiful day in November 2016 and I’m sure nobody remembers that beautiful day. Does anybody remember that? (Laughter.) That’s one of the highest-rated days in the history of television. (Applause.) One of the highest. One of the highest-rated days. Did anybody not watch television that night? All over the world, they were watching.

But soon, when this facility is fully operational, you’ll export up to 15 million tons of liquefied natural gas every single year. That’s a massive amount. One of the biggest in the world.

To put that massive capacity in perspective, this facility alone could soon supply over 40 percent of the natural gas Germany imported from Russia in 2017, or 25 percent of the LNG imported by the European Union in 2018. See that? We’ll sell you a lot of natural gas.

There’s only one problem Jeff told me: You sold out for 20 years. Can you believe it? You sold out, right? So we can’t sell them anything more, can we? You better build those additional monsters, please. Got to get started on come on, Jeff. What’s taking so long? Sold out for 20 years, like an office building. But you make more money. And, boy, I’ll tell you, it’s great for the country.

This extraordinary turnaround is possible because, under my administration, we have ended the war on American energy and we have ended the economic assault on our wonderful energy workers. And you were under assault. (Applause.)


By unleashing American oil, natural gas, and clean coal, workers like you are helping to fuel America’s historic economic boom. And that’s what it is. There’s never been anything like this. And all over, we have plants going up of different kinds. We have the greatest economy in the history of our country.

Last month, we created another 263,000 jobs, crushing expectations. The Wall Street geniuses said: Maybe 160. That’s pretty good, by the way. No, we beat them by a lot. And since the election, we created nearly 6 million jobs, including 57,000 new oil and gas pipeline construction jobs. (Applause.)

And in 2018 alone, America added over 150,000 brand new energy jobs. And I told your great senators that if we get elected, if I win my race and we get it just the way we want it and I think we’re going to win it big.


I withdrew the United States from the terrible, very expensive, one-sided Paris Climate Accord. (Applause.) You just take a look at Paris. The President is a friend of mine. Sometimes I’ll call him up, “How’s it doing over there? How you doing in Paris?” “Not so good. Not so good.” The yellow vests.

And you know that was all about the accord, because they were charging people tremendous amount of money and sending that money all over the world to countries that they never heard of, and the people got tired of it.

I saved $1 trillion by not going with the Paris Accord. And I thought I’d take a lot of heat, and instead we’ve been praised for not doing it. We’ve been praised. (Applause.)

The Paris Accord was an agreement that it would have shut down clean energy production in America, while allowing top foreign polluters to do whatever the hell they wanted. It was a restriction on America. It was almost made to hold us back. And nothing is holding us back.

No longer will we allow other countries to tie America’s hands and take America’s jobs and hurt America’s energy. (Applause.)

And we’re replacing the EPA Environmental Protection Agency, for those who don’t know that sound. EPA. We’re taking their job-killing Clean Power Plan. It’s got a beautiful title; that’s where it ends. Which would have actually made the environment less clean by shifting energy production to foreign countries. So instead of doing this, you would have foreign countries doing that and then shipping it back.

I don’t think that works out too well, fellas. What do you think? No good? No good, right? John says, “No good.” That means it’s no good.

And we’re focusing the EPA on its core mission: ensuring clean air and crystal clean water for our citizens. And our air right now is cleaner than it’s ever been. (Applause.)

And one of the things I told to Bill and Steve and John, coming over we were in the Beast; we traveled in the Beast. I think it’s the world’s most expensive army tank, right? The windows, the walls. But they said, “Sir, we’d love to have John Kennedy saying, “Whatever you could doI-10 bridge. You know the I-10 bridge?


And just last month, I signed two executive orders to cut the red tape, holding back new energy infrastructure like we see here today. Without what we’ve done, you could have never had this approved. I think Jeff would say that very easily. Without what we did, you could have never gotten this done. It would have taken you many years. And I say, “Many years prior to rejection.” They go years and years.

The result of our efforts has been an incredible resurgence of the American energy production. This quarter, the United States produced record amounts of oil and natural gas. I will tell you, the natural gas, not even close. The oil, not even close.

Since the election, private companies have invested in a half a trillion dollars in the U.S. energy industry. They put half a trillion dollars, and it looks like it’s going substantially up from there, including in this great state where many tremendous projects of all different types are planned. And not only in the energy business, in other businesses also.

In the past two years, we’ve expanded our LNG exports to the world by nearly 500 percent. (Applause.) Five hundred percent. And it was heading south, folks. It was heading south, fast.

The United States has now been a net exporter of natural gas for two straight years, and our net energy imports are at the lowest level that we’ve had in over 60 years. In other words, bringing it in. The lowest in 60 years.

In 2018, American energy exports alone brought down our trade deficit by $215 billion. And we’re pursuing a vision not just of energy independence but of American energy dominance. When we get those pipelines approved, you’ll see it go up 30 and 40 percent from already number one in the world. (Applause.)

By the end of next year, America’s LNG export capacity will more than double. Think of that. But what does it really mean? It means jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s what it means. (Applause.) Jobs, jobs, jobs.

And thanks to our historic tax cuts and reform everybody here got a tax cut. Everybody. Big one. Sempra Energy is bringing billions of dollars back home to America right where it belongs. After years of rebuilding foreign countries, we are now rebuilding our country instead. (Applause.)

As we continue to grow the industries of the future, we’re training our workers for the jobs of the future. And we’re now living by two simple rules: buy American and hire American. Sounds good. (Applause.)


But despite all of this exciting news, there are some in this country who are more determined than ever to put American energy out of business. You know that.

Over 100 Democrat members of Congress have sponsored that Green New Deal, a radical plan if you’ve ever heard it. They want to put you out. They want to stop coal. They want to stop oil. They want to stop nuclear. They want to stop practically anything.

On my watch, we will never let radical activists, special interests, and out-of-control bureaucrats wreck our economy, eliminate our jobs, or destroy your future. We won’t let it happen. And these people will not let it happen. (Applause.) They won’t let it happen.

We know that American energy workers like the ones here at Cameron LNG are the foundation of American strength. That’s what you are: the foundation of our strength.

As we embrace the potential of our country’s God-given abundance, we are also strengthening our national security. By reducing our dependence on foreign sources of energy, we have dramatically increased our power to confront our adversaries, support our friends, and fight for our interests.

For example, American allies all around the world, like in Poland and Lithuania, are now using American natural gas to reduce their dependence on countries who use energy as a weapon of coercion.

In Venezuela and Iran, we’re now holding dangerous regimes accountable by denying them oil revenue to fund their corruption, oppression, and terror.

Since I took office, the United States has increased oil production by over 3.2 million barrels per day. That’s an incredible number. (Applause.) And that 3.2 million barrels completely surpasses the crude oil exports from Venezuela and Iran. And we’ve subtracted that from the world market until such time as things work out and work out properly for those millions of people.


Just a few days ago, you began work on your first shipment of American natural gas extracted by American workers and transported through American pipelines. As it came in, your trained teams began to liquefy the gas, cooling it down to

260 degrees below zero.

When the process is done, you will load that LNG onto a tanker. And from there, the first shipment of Cameron LNG will travel down the Gulf of Mexico, through the Panama Canal, and off to Asia to illuminate cities on the other side. We will have such illumination like you haven’t believed. They’re going to be illuminated like never before. They’re talking about it. They’re excited. Some of the countries don’t have lots of money; we’re making good deals and we’re making things possible for them.

The energy revolution that you’re leading is an incredible story, and it could only be written right here.

In the past, pundits and politicians claimed that America was running out of oil and natural gas. They were saying it 10 years ago, 5 years ago. I was hearing it all the time. They said the United States would never again be an energy powerhouse. They said that Americans would have to learn to get by with much, much, much less. But you proved them wrong.

When American workers were given the chance, you silenced the critics and shattered the predictions. Now, thanks to America, and thanks to all of the great permits and approvals and financing, and all of the things we’ve been able to do together, America is working, America is thriving, America is booming, and America is winning like never before. (Applause.)

You are powering our cities, uplifting our nation, and you are lighting up the world. You’re building a better future for our families and for our children, and for every patriot. And you are true patriots who salutes our great American flag. You’re making America safer, prouder, stronger, and greater than ever before.

I just want to say this has been a great honor to be with you today. This is a special day. This is your first day in many, many, many days of producing something that is very special. It’s a tremendous achievement. I want to congratulate everybody involved in this project. And most importantly, I want to congraduate I want to congratulate the state of Louisiana and all of the work we’ve done together with the federal government. And I want to congratulate the workers, because ultimately it doesn’t work without the workers. (Applause.)

The White House

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